What has happened with commissioned sales reps?

I believe up until late eighty’s there were many more who enjoy the idea to write their own paychecks them make their own schedules, and earning way above the average income for themselves. Things seem to change more in the nineties as a new sales people felt they had the basic salary. Before discussing these changes, perhaps we need to have the old world view of the office of the sales person.

In decades past, I think sales people were tougher, more driven had broad shoulders, more confident and motivated. People in the industry for the most part do not have or need a degree to be a sales person. Most realized that just doing the job would limit the dream of the average lifestyle. Those sales reps knew something worth was not easy, do not take rejection personally, set goals for themselves and get them. They were more aggressive than many I’ve seen today, not afraid to talk to people in leadership making way, well laid able to turn a no into yes, and had confidence not know what they got closer to the sale. It was a numbers game with buyers always out there, they just need to find them. So what has happened with more modern sales person?

I now know something of the sales people who still make a great life for themselves now. I figured out that at some point in the last 25 years was more challenging for companies to find a commission only people. So they had to figure out a way to pay basic but still come out ahead of the game. If we use as an example where representative sells $ 50,000 per month. Maybe got 20% which is $ 7,500 monthly. Now, how it has been built, they earn half, subject to deduction at source, and you can not write everything off as before. In doing so companies have more control over their people not to be independent, so pay less money left over for gas allowances and cellphones, they write not a sales person. The true sales person days the team would tell companies that they would strictly commission, knowing that they can sell the amount of incomplete right piece of the pie.

The company take this position are now spoiled sales reps out there who have a sense of right. Plus all the perks they also expect the company to obtain the potential. Most will refuse to do cold calling expect to do for them. What exactly is the point of calling them sales reps, more like customer service order taking her? Many people I have spoken can not think on their feet get over objections, allowing customers to sell them go out without it. This is the last cushy sales careers there was no urgency involved close it sell or not they were paid.